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In this step, you will design your accessible EPUB. Start with what whatever you have, for example: a print book, sketches on paper, or a PDF you sent to your printers.

If you are developing a new book on paper, start with that. If you have a PDF of an existing book, use that. In fact, our team finds it helpful to print out the PDF or digital files for this step.

For each page of the book - don't forget the front and back cover! - using sticky notes or markers:

  1. Draw a box around each image
  2. Keep a list - a spreadsheet is helpful - of each image. Name each image. Start with "cover" then "img01" for the first image you find, "img02" for the second and so on
  3. Check for other images, sidebars, charts that a person with blindness or a visual impairment might need described in text. Circle those and write them on your list.

View some examples from our process in creating sample accessible EPUBs available for you to download:

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