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Download the EPUB Starter Package from GitHub. The package includes the accessible EPUB template for early grade readers and 2 Reference Sheets to help you keep your project organized.

Starting with an inaccessible EPUB content:

  1. Extract the EPUB file to get the assets such as images and other metadata details.
  2. Navigate to the directory of the EPUB you want to make accessible in your local machine.
  3. Using the eCanCrusher zip tool, drag the EPUB file onto eCanCrusher icon to automatically unzip, creating a new folder in the same location
  4. Grab the necessary files such as the images from the new folder.

The starter Package

To help you in getting started, a ready package has been tailored for you.

  1. Create a new folder and name it based on the title of your original book. 


    For the purpose of this guide, I will refer to an alias "Book_X" as my book to be made accessible. 

  2. Download the compressed package from here by clicking on the Download button.                                                                               
  3. Copy the downloaded compressed file into the folder created.                                                                                  
  4. Right click on the compressed file then select 'Extract to Guide Package for Rwanda Toolkit\' using your favorite extraction tool such as WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  5. Delete the compressed file.
  6. Navigate into the Guide Package for Rwanda Toolkit folder to view the Kariza akunda kubaza folder, the Image Reference Sheet and the Metadata Reference Sheet

The package constitutes the following:

  1. EPUB template package titled 'Kariza akunda kubaza'.
  2. Image reference sheet.
  3. Metadata reference sheet.


  • File format of the book to be made accessible be in EPUB.
  • A list of metadata of the book to be made accessible such as the book title, author(s), language.
  • Extracted images of the front cover, back cover and any other image from the book to be made accessible.

Tools - The following MUST be installed to get started, reference Resources and Software section :

  • eCanCrusher 1.2.0.
  • Calibre
  • Editor : Sublime Text Editor or Komodo Edit 11.0.2.  
  • Checkers : pagina EPUB-Checker and DAISY ACE.
  • Reading systems : Readium for Chrome
  • Screen reader : NVDA
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